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Hamish Walsh
Mobile: +61 422 424 338

CSL Seqirus news releases

CSL Seqirus news releases

Intravenous iron treatment Ferinject® (ferric carboxymaltose) now approved for Australian children aged one to thirteen years living with iron deficiency anaemia

19 Feb 2024

• Ferinject is now indicated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia for the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in children.1
• Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide and the leading cause of anaemia in children.2,3
• The condition is particularly prevalent in children, adolescents, pre-menopausal women, pregnant women and people living with chronic diseases.4 In Australia, an estimated 8% of pre-school children, 12% of pregnant women and 15% of non-pregnant women are living with anaemia (with iron deficiency anaemia a major cause).2
• Symptoms of Iron deficiency anaemia include fatigue, dizziness, restlessness and loss of appetite.3,5 It can also be associated with impaired cognitive development and children living with the condition are more likely to struggle at school. 5

New survey shows significant gaps in Australians understanding of Iron Deficiency

22 Nov 2023

• New survey shows the majority of Australians are unaware of common symptoms related to iron deficiency – including unusual food cravings such as chewing or eating ice (90%), shortness of breath (81%), decrease in libido (87%), and dizziness (57%).1
• Iron deficiency is an important health issue for women as they are at higher risk throughout their life due to menstrual loss and pregnancy.2
• The number of Australians tested for iron deficiency dropped significantly during the pandemic.3
• GPs, specialists and people living with iron deficiency are encouraging Australians to listen to their body as part of a new campaign to Take Iron Seriously.

New research reveals what Australians arent prepared for this Summer

09 Nov 2023

Experts call on Australians to be prepared with venomous bites and stings first aid before summer hits

New research has experts concerned Australians are still too complacent about flu

27 Mar 2023

• 33% of Australian adults say that flu is only somewhat serious (while it can get people very sick and put in hospital, they cannot die from it). 14% say it’s not very, or not at all, serious1.
• Nearly half (46%) of Australians want their GP or pharmacist to discuss prevention options, including vaccination, so they can make a more informed choice about their health this flu season1.
• Following the 2022 flu season and signs that cases are already on the rise this year,2 experts are concerned that Australians are underestimating the seriousness of flu.

Australia's First 'Venomous Bites and Stings' Day

19 Nov 2022

Experts call on Australians to know the latest first aid so they can act fast

Combination nasal spray Ryaltris® (olopatadine hydrochloride and mometasone furoate) now approved for Australian children aged six years and older with hay fever or other year-round allergies

04 Apr 2022

• Australia is the first major country to approve Ryaltris for use in patients six years and older, after first receiving approval for 12 years and older in 2019.1
• More than 4.6 million Australians are affected by hay fever, with up to 18% of children affected by 11 years of age.2,3
• Children with hay fever may experience irritability, distraction, fatigue, embarrassment and increased days off school, making them more likely to have poorer grades than other students.4

Cell-based Flucelvax® Quad influenza vaccine now approved for Australian children aged two years and older

08 Mar 2022

• Flucelvax® Quad, Australia’s first and only cell-based influenza vaccine is now approved for children aged two years and older.1
• Flucelvax® Quad was first available in Australia in 2021 and now the TGA has approved its extended use in children down to two years for the 2022 influenza season.1
• Cell-based technology represents a significant innovation in influenza vaccine manufacturing.2
• More than 100 million doses of Flucelvax Quad® have been distributed worldwide.3

PNG Snakebite Partnership with Australia to continue to help save lives

19 Sep 2021

A unique partnership between Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) to donate antivenoms and help save the lives of people bitten or stung by venomous snakes and marine creatures has been extended for a further two years, 2021-2023.

Don’t forget about flu – with winter approaching, flu vaccination numbers still low

20 May 2021

• Flu vaccination rates are significantly lower than last year - fewer than one in two Australians working with patients have had their flu vaccine in 2021 – compared with almost more than double that number this time last year (47.6% vs 88.6%)
• The Australian Government recommends flu vaccination for everyone aged six months and older
• Every flu season is different – and it is hard to predict what will happen each season

CSL Dispatches First Australian Made Doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

23 Mar 2021

CSL Limited (ASX:CSL) has released 830,000 locally made doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, ahead of initial scheduling.


12 Feb 2021

CSL is pleased to confirm that the final stages of manufacturing of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine for Australia are planned to commence next week, with first doses on track for release towards the end of March, subject to approval by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Ahead of a summer at home, a knowledge gap could leave Aussies underprepared to deal with bites & stings from venomous creatures

14 Dec 2020

• With holidays at home in Australia this year, a new consumer survey reveals an underpreparedness to deal with potentially deadly bites and stings from venomous creatures
• Despite some experts saying snake encounters are increasing1,2, less than half of respondents could identify the correct first aid procedures for a snake bite3
• Only 27% said that they would always pack a first aid kit when going to the bush or beach, despite half indicating they have been bitten or stung and/or witnessed venomous bites and stings firsthand
• 41% could not recall ever receiving training on first aid for venomous bites and stings

CSL to manufacture and supply University of Queensland and Oxford University vaccine candidates for Australia

07 Sep 2020

CSL Limited (ASX:CSL) today announced it has signed a Heads of Agreement (HoA) with the Australian Government for the supply of 51 million doses of the University of Queensland’s (UQ) COVID-19 vaccine candidate (V451), and a separate HoA with AstraZeneca to manufacture the Oxford University candidate (AZD1222), should clinical trials of both prove successful.