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Afluria Quad™ – a four strain flu vaccine manufactured in Australia is now available

A quadrivalent flu vaccine manufactured by Seqirus locally in Melbourne, Australia is available for the 2017 Australian flu season for adults aged 18 years and older.


In market since early March, Afluria Quad™, a four strain vaccine comprising of the 2017 circulating strains influenza A (H1N1) Michigan; influenza A (H3N2) Hong Kong; influenza B Brisbane, and influenza B Phuket,1,2 is available on private prescription. Afluria QuadTM is also listed on the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for the 2017 influenza season, and will be available free-of-charge to eligible groups aged 18 years and over from mid-April.3

Afluria Quad™ is manufactured by Seqirus, the world’s second largest influenza business, and provides Australia’s only on-shore influenza vaccine manufacturing facility.

Seqirus, a CSL Company created in July 2015 from the combined strength and expertise of bioCSL and the influenza vaccines business formerly owned by Novartis, is a transcontinental partner in pandemic preparedness and a major contributor to the prevention of control of influenza globally.

A highly contagious illness, flu is easily transmitted from person to person through inhalation of droplets or small particles from coughs or sneezes, or through hand contact with contaminated surfaces.4 Flu is different to the common cold and is characterised by sudden high fever, cough (usually dry), headache, muscle and joint pain, feeling unwell, and sore throat.5

Flu can affect anyone, including the fit and healthy,6 and is especially a concern for high-risk groups such as the elderly, pregnant women, infants, people with existing medical conditions and Indigenous Australians.7

The Australian Immunisation Handbook recommends annual flu vaccination for all Australians aged over six months of age7 and the Australian Government funds a National Immunisation Program3 for Australians aged 65 years and over; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged between six months to less than five years; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians aged 15 years or over; pregnant women; and, people aged six months and over with medical conditions such as severe asthma, lung or heart disease, low immunity or diabetes that can lead to complications from influenza.7

Afluria Quad™ received registration by the Therapeutic Goods Administration in July 2016.

Afluria Quad™ is an inactivated quadrivalent influenza vaccine indicated for use in adults aged 18 years and over. It helps prevent influenza, also known as “the flu”, which is caused by an infection from various influenza viruses. Afluria Quad™ contains fragments of four different types of influenza virus.

Each year, the Australian Influenza Vaccine Committee (AIVC) decides which four types of viruses are most suitable to include in the annual vaccine.

The virus in the vaccine is not live and therefore cannot give you “the flu”. The vaccine will not, however, protect against other influenza viruses that Afluria Quad™ does not contain.

Afluria Quad™ vaccine can be administered by a doctor, nurse or trained pharmacist, as an injection into the muscle or under the skin.

Afluria Quad™ is a prescription only medicine.

Side effects
Afluria Quad™ may have unwanted side effects. More common side effects include: reaction around the injection site such as tenderness, bruising, redness, warmth, pain, swelling or the formation of hard lumps; flu-like symptoms, such as headache, tiredness, fever, sore throat, runny nose, blocked nose, sneezing, cough, chills; vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea; aching muscles; irritability and loss of appetite. Other, rare or serious side effects may also occur. Speak to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you notice anything that makes you feel unwell.

Afluria Quad™ is indicated for the prevention of influenza caused by influenza virus Types A and B contained in the vaccine. The vaccine is indicated for use only in persons aged 18 years and over.

Afluria Quad™ is not indicated for use in children aged less than 18 years, individuals with a history of hypersensitivity to egg protein, or any of the constituents or trace residues of this vaccine. Immunisation should be postponed in people with a high fever or severe infection.

Use in Pregnancy (Category B2): The safety and effectiveness of Afluria Quad™ vaccine has not been established in pregnant women.

Use in Lactation: The safety and effectiveness of Afluria Quad™ vaccine has not been established in nursing mothers.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to discuss vaccination with their healthcare professional.

Afluria Quad™ vaccine should be given at facilities able to manage any allergic reaction. Allergy to Afluria Quad™ vaccine is uncommon, however, allergy to any vaccine may occur.

Further information:
For further information about influenza and vaccination, talk to your healthcare professional. For more information about Afluria QuadTM speak to your healthcare professional and please refer to the Consumer Medicines Information Leaflet.

Download this release:
Afluria Quad™ – a four strain flu vaccine manufactured in Australia is now available  (0.1Mb)

Media Contact:
Melanie Kerin
Senior Manager, Communications
Seqirus Australia
Ph: +61 3 9389 3486 or +61.417 436 329



Afluria Quad™ Product Information 2016.


Australian Government Department of Health. AIVC recommendations for the composition of influenza vaccine for Australia in 2017. Available at[last accessed March 2017].


Australian Government Department of Health. Media Release. Available at March 2017).


World Health Organization (WHO). Influenza fact sheet; November 2016. WHO.[last accessed March 2017].


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Influenza (flu). Cold versus flu. Available at[last accessed March 2017].


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Influenza (flu). Seasonal Influenza (Flu). Flu Symptoms & Severity. Available at[last accessed March 2017].


National Health and Medical Research Council. The Australian Immunisation Handbook 10th Edition. Available at[last accessed March 2017].